Effective Laser Gum Treatments For Periodontitis

Apart from bad breath and decays, the most detrimental consequence of poor oral hygiene is periodontal disease. It is an ailment that affects the gums and soft tissues that support teeth. Without proper treatment, periodontitis can result in significant damages. But, many people tend to avert from root canal procedures, a definite method to remove infected root pulp, as it is painful to endure. So, recent advancements in dentistry paved the way for laser gum surgery treatments. An innocuous process, that involves focusing a concentrated beam of light to treat gum infections. 

Fundamental Causes 

In most cases, periodontitis is caused by a lack of good oral hygiene. Regular brushing removes bacteria that interact with enamel. So, without it, the starch and sugar from food particles mix with these bacteria and forms plaque. This sticky film of residue hardens into hard sediment knows as tartar. At this stage, these are hard to remove, so typical brushing and flossing are ineffective. This is why people should get professional dental cleanings. Tartar, when not removed, develops into gingivitis, a mild form of infection causing both inflammation and irritation. Avoiding clinical treatments even at this stage exacerbate the situation and result in the formation of periodontitis. 

Symptoms To Note 

There are some obvious indicators that suggest an abnormal from the normal condition. It includes swollen tissues with chronic bleeding. There will also be pus pockets along the gum line that dentists measure to determine the severity of a condition. Individuals may also experience difficulty in chewing and occasional bleeding when brushing. Once it gets severe, periodontitis results in edentulism. 

Innovative Remedy 

Typical removal of infection involves scaling and root planing. Practitioners utilize scraping tool in this non-surgical method. Once all the infected root pulp is completed removed, they will seal it using resin materials, so that patients can protect their natural teeth. Laser treatments preserve oral tissues and build regenerative none building. They access bacterial pockets using a laser and destroy all the infected tissues. Lastly, they use the same beam to stimulate stem cells and forms new connective tissues. Then, it regenerates lost ligaments and bone structure. 

Posed Advantages 

Most patients after this condition suffer from excessive bleeding and destruction of supportive structures. Therefore, it is essential to remove these bacterial germs, so that dental stability can be restored. Through this procedure, dentists can effectively treat bacterial germs. Thus, eliminating the need for any further surgeries. 

Practitioners have ultimate control of this process. They can adjust the wavelength and power of beams utilized based on the unique needs of each patient. Such customization allows them to provide individualized treatments that address their needs and long term requirements. 

Finally, laser treatments are non-invasive and completely painless. Unlike other methods, there is no penetration of needles or there is no need for surgeries. The overall result is less discomfort for patients, along with a short period of recovery time. 

Why Choose Us? 

772 Implant delivers comprehensive dental care through its certified practitioners and latest technologies in a caring environment. Our professional team ensures that you get the care you deserve. If you have any queries, please contact our dental office @ 772.467.5268!


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